TEXTO - COLUMNA AMBOADES - de 6 de Febrero de 2012
_del 06/02/2012
_DE LA COLUMNA AMBOADES, por Miguel Ángel Flores, Enólogo
_del Lunes 06 de Febrero de 2012
_en LA TRIBUNA de Toledo.
Según el diccionario de la Real Academia Española de la Lengua, la definición o el significado de la palabra “fomento”, es lo siguiente: (Del lat. fomentum). 1. m. Pábulo o materia con que se ceba algo; 2. m. Ministerio de Fomento. ORTOGR. Escr. con may. Inicial; 3. m. Auxilio, protección; 4. m. Der. Acción de la Administración consistente en promover, normalmente mediante incentivos económicos o fiscales, que los particulares realicen por sí mismos actividades consideradas de utilidad general. Plan de fomento del turismo rural; 5. m. Med. Medicamento líquido que se aplica con paños exteriormente; 6. m. p. us. Calor, abrigo y reparo que se da a algo.
Curioso lo que se decide entre unas cuantas selectas, sesudas y sabias personas, que saben perfectamente darle el significado correcto a las palabras, que por lo general tan mal se utilizan y qué duda cabe, en su uso decimos o peor aún escribimos “cosas”, que en la intención de hablar o transmitir algo resulta, que estamos en un permanente error, siendo este efecto algo muy usual entre todos los que de alguna manera estamos en medio del público; Los vendedores que para su argumento, inventan algunas realidades, y así, parece que los que las escuchan se sienten no engañados, los periodistas o la clase de la política, u otras instituciones en la parte alta de la pirámide de la sociedad, que están en permanente uso del lenguaje, haciendo que éste, esté sometido a unos vaivenes, para quien lo percibe después lo use de una manera habitual, pero no siendo esta la más correcta, por lo cual es clave el manejo de las palabras en su justo momento, para luego hacer un efecto, que en realidad no debiera ser, por todo lo cual la palabra fomento, como se entiende es muy diferente a como se usa, tratándose del vino o cualquiera otro producto, se debiera aplicar el significado y sentido señalado en el punto 4, que hace referencia a la actividad que debe partir por parte de la Administración en cuanto a: 4. m. Der. Acción de la Administración consistente en promover, normalmente mediante incentivos económicos o fiscales, que los particulares realicen por sí mismos actividades consideradas de utilidad general. Plan de fomento del turismo rural; Quizá por esto de no saber bien el uso de las palabras, hacer el hecho de la promoción, el promover, el fomentar, etc., está en un punto de malentendido constante, por múltiples motivos fundamentalmente en estos tiempos, con la justificación de la crisis económica esto de usar los medios de la Administración, es tarea harto complicada.

Translated to English
the 06/02/2012
COLUMN AMBOADES by Miguel Angel Flores, Winemaker
_del Monday February 6, 2012
_in TRIBUNE Toledo.
According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy of Language, the definition or meaning of the word "promotion" is the following: (Del lat fomentum.). 1. m. Fuel or material with which something is primed; 2. m. Ministry of Development. Orthographic. ESCR. with May. Initial; 3. m. Relief, protection; 4. m. Der. Action which is to promote, usually through economic or tax incentives Administration, that individuals make themselves generally useful activities considered. Plan to promote rural tourism; 5m. Med liquid medicine that is applied with a cloth outside.; 6. m. p. us. Warmth, shelter and given to repair something.
Curious what is decided between a few select, judicious and wise people, who know exactly give the correct meaning to words, usually so badly used and no doubt, as we say use or worse we write "stuff" , which intend to speak or convey something is, we are in a permanent error, this effect being very common among those who somehow are in the midst of the public; Vendors who for his argument, invent some realities, and so, it seems that those who hear not feel deceived, journalists or political class, or other institutions at the top of the pyramid of society, who are permanent use of language, causing it, is subject to some swings, for whom perceived it after use it in a usual manner, but not being the most correct, which is key management of the words at the right moment and then make an effect, which really should not be, for all of which the word building, as understood is very different from what is used in the case of wine or any other product, you should apply the meaning and sense indicated in point 4, which refers to the activity must start from the Administration as to: 4. m. Der. Action which is to promote, usually through economic or tax incentives Administration, that individuals make themselves generally useful activities considered. Plan to promote rural tourism; Perhaps this not knowing well the use of words, to the fact of promoting, promoting, fomenting, etc., it is at a point of constant misunderstanding, for many reasons mainly in these times, with justification economic crisis that use the resources of the Administration, is very complicated task.
It must be said that most mortals understand as Directors everything that looks like an official from outside, and indeed a confusion of knowing who is generated that, since it seems so far, any civic institution is understood, was erected to promote anything, I mean municipalities, regional governments, the National Government, the Regulatory Boards of Appellations of Origin own, etc. So this situation is at a point, with many hitting many shots have only been used bullets from a small caliber, being all those who "made" the promotion of wine, and so Spain in the last year is down to consumption below 10 liters per person per year. The question that comes to mind is how Had it been a promotion, promotion or better said, a single direction towards the domestic market and abroad, also had reached that figure consumption? It is a question that no one will answer, why not know or at worst will blame always to another; when this consuming and in moderation, and so the market grows, it seems it is not just a private matter, is "all".
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